Recenly I've been unlucky enough to have a throast infection I can't shake. This lead me to be signed off from work by the doctor for 2 weeks. Usually this would be great but seeing as I was actually too ill to do much I ended up being sofa-bound for pretty much all of it. As I'm sure you know daytime TV is dire and I think watching Jeremy Kyle would have ended up making me feel worse! So whilst looking for something to watch that my wife wouldn't mind me watching without her (we've got bosets galore to get through together) I remembered I had Real Humans downloaded. It's a Swedish speculative fiction drama set in a near future where robots called hubots are common for domestic or industrial duties. The Swedish name is Äkta människor and had been recommended by someone on but I can't remember who. Thanks whoever it was! Unfortunately it has never been broadcast in an English speaking country so I had to find a download with fansubs. Luckily users on had created them so it is possible to enjoy it.
There are 2 series each with 10 episodes. The first series was first broadcast in 2012 and the second in 2013. I'm not going to try to explain the storylines but will say they do manage touch on lots of the potential social implications of the hubots as well as having lots of intrigue and action. I ended up binge watching and would view 2 or 3 episodes a day. There doesn't seem to be any plans to broadcast or stream these series in the UK but the rights to an English language remake ave been sold. If you do find the originals to download I would suggest you do so as I enjoyed them a lot.